The plaintiff, Mr. Jimenez, was waiting for an Aero Mexico flight to arrive at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) when a “luggage tug” driven by Carlos Badio hit airplane chocks on the tarmac, veering out of control and striking Jimenez and another mechanic.
Jimenez suffered a mild traumatic brain injury, knee injuries, and cervical and lumbar spine damage. He also suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) as a result of the accident.
The case, Jimenez v. Swissport SA LLC et.al., was heard in Los Angeles Superior Court. Using expert testimony and Swissport’s own admission of liability for the accident, Joseph argued that Swissport was negligent in the hiring of Badio, who had not received the mandatory training or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ICON required to drive on the airport grounds. Badio was also speeding when he struck the chocks, causing him to lose control of the vehicle and slam into the mechanics.
The jury awarded Jimenez $1.3 million in economic damages for past and future medical bills and past and future lost wages. He was awarded an additional $1.4 million in non-economic damages.
Visit the Law Offices of Pius Joseph – Personal Injury Attorney’s website to view additional case results. Contact us today.