FAQ Category: Featured Motorcycle Accident FAQs

Picking an attorney is very personal, like choosing your dentist or doctor. You require to really feel comfy sharing personal details as well as be confident that your legal representative will be your strongest ally and advocate of what you require to recover.

Lots of personal injury lawyers charge a contingency fee. This suggests that if you receive a negotiation or win a damage award, you would pay a portion of that total up to your lawyer. There’s no conventional portion that lawyers earn, but it’s normally around 33% of what you recover….

The single best way to find out if negligence contributed to your motorcycle crash is to contact a Pasadena lawyer at the Law Offices of Pius Joseph – Personal Injury Attorney for a free, no obligations case evaluation. That being noted, however, there may be some clear indications that negligence…

It depends on how badly you were injured, how much property damage was involved and the nature of the negligence that caused the accident. While you can receive a case evaluation from one of  our attorneys, in general, motorcycle accident cases tend to lead to higher amounts of compensation when:…