Category: Auto Accidents

5 FAQs About Traumatic Brain Injuries

Not all concussions end badly, in fact, most individuals who suffer from a concussion recovery in fairly short order – be it a few days or just a few weeks following the injury. There is a small segment of those who suffer one or several repeated blows to the head…

Technology Trends Helping to Prevent Auto Accidents

As California’s population increases so do the number of motorists, and state officials have been trending toward technology for safety solutions. Some you would expect, but others you might not have even heard of. “As California’s population continues to increase, so does the number of motorists on the highways and…

Facts to Know About Distracted Driving

Even on a dare, would you close your eyes for five seconds while driving down the road? Well, maybe this will help you make your decision. If you were traveling approximately 55 miles per hour and closed your eyes, you’d have traveled the entire length of an entire football field…

Self-Driving Cars

Automakers and regulators are both doing their best to make the roads safer by integrating technology that will take our hands and minds away from the steering wheel with technologies like accident avoidance systems, and believe it or not, but even self-driving cars. In fact, Ford Motor Company has filed…

CA Traffic Deaths on the Rise

It’s hard to find anything troubling about the end of a recession, but here in California with the increase in the number of people getting back to work it means more motorists on the roads. Unfortunatley, more cars on the roads means more car accidents and even more deaths. California…

Bringing on board a new administrator for improved leadership and a retooled focus, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has refined its mission and sharpened it’s focus on three particular areas of future progress:1 Enhancing technology innovations Overhauling the automotive recall program Strengthening core safety programs to improve road…

Time Change & Drowsy Driving

Californians better stop dreaming when they are driving, and take notice and plan ahead for the upcoming Daylight Savings time change taking effect March 13. Losing an hour of sleep for some people can actually end up being a fatal thing, especially when they have to get behind the wheel…

Celebrating Independence Day in the U.S. commonly involves barbeques, fireworks and other fun festivities. What you may not realize as you gear up to celebrate the holiday weekend, however, is that July 4th is also the riskiest day to be on the roads. And that’s because July 4th is the…

Examples of distracted driving

The variety of ways in which drivers can be distracted is seemingly endless. Recently, a California woman was pulled over by a highway patrol officer on the suspicion of speeding. When the officer saw that she was wearing Google Glass, the officer gave the woman a citation for driving with…